Dr. Matthew Bilskie and Dr. Brock Woodson are among 10 research teams to receive funding for projects aimed at improving resilience with coastal communities through the Sea Grant and U.S. Coastal Research Program. The funding, totaling $499,999, will support their project “Harnessing marsh spatial heterogeneity and hydroperiod for multiple benefits through community engagement”. The goal of this project is to provide coastal Georgia community members with guidelines and tools for marsh management practices.
The project investigators will develop enhanced guidelines for marsh spatial planning supported by a geospatial visualization tool that allows interested parties to see outcomes of different marsh interventions, such as vegetation enhancement, thin layer placement, oyster reef (living shoreline) construction, or cuts through marsh terrain. Community input will be sought in the development of the geospatial planning application. The outputs from this project will inform approaches that can evaluate marsh planning and trade-offs between the conservation of new land versus land management actions to existing salt marsh.