Dean Donald J. Leo named provost at Ohio University

Donald LeoLeo will begin his new position on July 1

Donald J. Leo, UGA Foundation Professor in Engineering and dean of the University of Georgia College of Engineering, has been named the next executive vice president and provost at Ohio University. He will begin his new position on July 1, 2024.

“Serving as dean of the College of Engineering at UGA has been an extraordinary experience,” said Leo. “It has been a privilege to work with an amazing group of faculty, staff, students and alumni who are committed to creating a world-class engineering experience at this great university.”

Leo joined UGA as dean of the College of Engineering in 2013, a year after the college was established. On his watch, the number of students majoring in engineering at UGA has nearly tripled from fewer than 1,000 students to more than 2,800 students.

Leo has overseen significant increases in the breadth and depth of the college’s research enterprise, and he has been instrumental in expanding partnerships with industry and community stakeholders. He also guided a multiyear renovation that transformed the college’s instructional hub, the Driftmier Engineering Center.

“I want to thank Dean Leo for his outstanding leadership of our thriving College of Engineering and his deep commitment to the success of our students,” said UGA President Jere W. Morehead. “I am confident he will be successful as he moves into the role of provost at Ohio University, and I wish him the best on this next chapter in his career.”

Jack Hu, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost at the University of Georgia, will soon appoint an interim dean for the College of Engineering and launch a search for Leo’s successor.

“The UGA College of Engineering is well positioned to build upon its tremendous success in teaching, research and service thanks to the strong foundation Don helped establish during his tenure,” said Hu. “Although I am sorry to see him leave UGA, this is an amazing opportunity for Don. Ohio University has made a great choice for their new provost.”

As executive vice president and provost, Leo will hold the second-highest office at Ohio University. He will serve as the chief academic officer of the university with responsibility for all academic programs, research, resource allocation and student success. The university enrolls more than 28,000 students across its main campus in Athens, five regional campuses and online.

Prior to joining UGA, Leo served as a professor of mechanical engineering and vice president and executive director of the National Capital Region operations of Virginia Tech. He previously served as associate dean for research and graduate studies at Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering.

Leo’s research focuses on smart materials, and he has served as the principal investigator on 50 research grants and contracts. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 research publications. He is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a member of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Leo earned a doctorate and a master’s degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering from the University of Buffalo and a bachelor’s degree in aeronautics and astronautics engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

By Mike Wooten

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