Engineering + MBA Dual Degree

Undergraduate engineering students may earn their Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree and an MBA in five years through this dual program, which is also the first and only BS/MBA degree offered by the University System of Georgia. This curricular combination will provide graduating students with not only the necessary engineering expertise but also the business skills needed for professional advancement and career success.

The program is open to students in the following engineering majors: Agricultural, Biochemical, Biological, Civil, Computer Systems, Electrical, Environmental, and Mechanical. Students focus on their undergraduate education requirements and engineering major during years one through three, take one course at the Terry College of Business each semester in year four, and are enrolled exclusively in the MBA program during year five. Interested engineering students should apply to the MBA program in the spring semester of their junior year.

For more information about the requirements for each major, students should consult with their Engineering advisor. The MBA/Engineering dual degree is available through the Double Dawgs program. Contact the Full-Time MBA Admissions Office for more information about the MBA program.

Engineering/MBA Double Dawgs Brochure

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