Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Please join us, the entire college community is invited to this event! February 9th is HAS’s Annual Networking Event: Orgullo Hispano! Latino/a/X alumni and professionals will join from all different backgrounds to help guide students for post-graduation opportunities.
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET