Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Come to our early celebration of Pride Month in June at the College of Engineering with Out in STEM (oSTEM) and Inclusive Excellence on January 23rd, at 6PM in Driftmier 1240. Join us for a night of celebration and building connections and community!
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET