Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
NSBE in collaboration with the Red Cross help fight sickle cell disease in the Black Communities. To schedule an appointment, please visit redcrossblood.org and use the sponsor code “UGAENGINEERING”. Come donate in February for a $20 Amazon Gift Card. Eat iron-rich food, drink plenty of water, sleep well before and after.
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET