Erin Gavin
Richmond Hill, Georgia
High School
Richmond Hill High School
Environmental Engineering
Expected Graduation
May 2025
What is your favorite thing about being a student at UGA?
My favorite part of being a student at UGA is the community within the College of Engineering and the university as a whole. I love being able to stop by the Niche and get lunch with friends or walk from class to class and run into my roommates.
Why did you choose engineering?
I chose engineering to always be problem solving. I found myself enjoying those kinds of situations throughout my education and wanted to be surrounded by an environment that always presents them.
Why is it important for the university to have a diverse community?
UGA’s diversity is one of the strongest factors it has to offer, especially in the engineering program. The Office of DEI’s effort to highlight the different clubs and cultures around the college have expanded so many students view on the groups that are a part of the college. With these opportunities, students not only get an academic exposure but also cultural exposure.
What has been the greatest challenge you have faced while at UGA, and how did you overcome it?
The greatest challenge I have learned to face at UGA has been communicating in a professional manner while still standing up for myself in the process. Being surrounded by great professors and bosses who respect a student perspective has allowed me to become more comfortable in my own space.
What have you learned that has made a difference for you?
I have learned how to apply what I am learning in a class to a research aspect in modeling watersheds and rainfall through the CITRA Lab.
Who has helped you become a successful student at UGA?
My peers have helped me become the student I am today. From learning how to really study for a college exam and pulling all nighters together before a big Energy Analysis exam.
What is your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite part of campus is the quad on North Campus. Being so far removed from central and north campus, it is always a nice escape to go see the architecture and gardens of North.
What has been your favorite class at UGA?
My favorite class has been Energy Analysis I with Dr. Schramski.
What has been your best memory at UGA?
My best memory at UGA is crossing the AthHalf finish line and seeing my friends and family on the other side.
What advice do you have for younger students who wish to pursue engineering?
I would tell a younger student looking into engineering to try to get involved in as many different scopes of the field as you can. There are a million things to do with an engineering degree, and finding your niche will make the degree and career worthwhile.
How do you hope to impact society with your engineering degree?
I hope to contribute to the furthering of social and economic equity in environmental issues. From researching the sustainable industrial growth in developing countries to reclaiming space in cities to give back to the residents, there is a wide range of areas I would love to be able to work in.