Hannah Lim
Augusta, GA
High School
Lakeside High School
Degree Major
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Design Minor
Expected Graduation
May 2024
What is your favorite thing about being a student at UGA?
I love that I can connect with so many people from different majors and make many memories with them. I really appreciate the organizations I have been able to join and have found some lifelong friends.
Why did you choose engineering?
My dad was an engineer and after visiting his workplace as a child, I wanted to be one, too. I also like how there is a lot of math involved, specifically calculus.
Why is it important for the university to have a diverse community?
It is important because it brings people even closer. College is a time where you can grow from each other and see through new lenses.
What has been the greatest challenge you have faced while at UGA, and how did you overcome it?
My greatest challenge has been time management. Between the coursework, work, clubs, and personal life, it can be overwhelming. However, I can come to balance it out by making better use of my time between classes and how many credit hours I should take.
What have you learned that has made a difference for you?
I have learned that I should put myself out there. I should be more vocal about my thoughts and have more confidence when speaking to people. Even if I make the wrong choice or decision, it is okay because it is always an opportunity to learn from it and grow. I am even a mentor now in AASA to provide advice and answer questions that my mentees may have.
Who has helped you become a successful student at UGA?
I have my friends, family, professors, and everyone that I have met throughout my life to thank. The people I have met made me who I am today and continue to support me as I strive for my dreams.
What is your reasearch and why did you choose this area?
I currently work under Dr. Santiago-Collazo in the CITRA Lab. I am focused on assessing the coastal inundation around Cuba, specifically La Habana and the Gulf of Batabano. I chose this area because I want to use the resources to which I have access to provide information or solutions and also because there is a design aspect that I am able to pursue in my area of interest.
What is your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite spot on campus is near the Ecology building at the turtle pond. I enjoy watching the turtles swim around if they are out and about.
What is your favorite restaurant in Athens?
My favorite restaurant in Athens would have to be Taste of India. It is always hard to choose what I want, but I typically get the tikka masala, curry, or butter chicken. The mango lassi drink is a solid choice.
What has been your favorite class at UGA?
My favorite class at UGA would have to be Energy I and II. The class was challenging but it helped me decide what I want to do after graduating.
What has been your best memory at UGA?
I enjoyed going to AthSketch with my peers to different spots on campus to spend time together and sketch. We would look at everyone’s final product at the end and take a picture together with our sketches.
What advice do you have for younger students who wish to pursue engineering?
If this major is what you have been dreaming of, do not give up after the first few classes. Keep pushing through and become acquainted with your peers. They will be the ones you see throughout your classes. You are definitely not alone.
How do you hope to impact society with your engineering degree?
I hope to provide sustainable solutions with my Environmental Engineering degree. I would like to ensure an environmentally-conscious future for our society and more spaces that enhance nature’s beauty.