Dr. Peter Kner has received a five-year NSF CAREER Award for his project “IDBR: Super Resolution Deep Imaging.” The almost $300,000 award will support his creation of the next generation optical microscope, which will take advantage of advances in chemistry, astronomy and photonics to achieve unprecedented resolution throughout large biological samples. By combining this new microscopy approach, light sheet microscopy, with technology used to look at distant galaxies and extra solar planets, the instrument will minimize scattering and aberrations when imaging into thick samples.
Said Dr. Kner, “By advancing biological science and improving the study of organisms that are important models for human disease, this project has the potential to improve human health. In addition, this project will train the next generation of scientists in interdisciplinary research through the development of this novel instrument, as well as through a course in bio imaging taught by biologists, chemists and engineers. Students from different disciplines will be introduced to all aspects of bio imaging from preparation and staining of samples to construction of a microscope.”
Dr. Kner joins four other CENGR faculty members who are NSF CAREER award recipients. These include Dr. Jason Locklin, Dr. Leidong Mao, Dr. Zhengwei Pan and Dr. Joachim Walther. “Certainly, we are proud of Peter’s award,” said CENGR Dean Donald Leo. “His innovative imaging research has the potential of long-term societal implications, and we celebrate with him this important research accomplishments.”