C. Rhett Jackson, Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor

C. Rhett Jackson, Ph.D.

Warnell 4-125
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602
United States

Explores impact of land use activities on water quality, aquatic habitat

Dr. Jackson’s research interests include the effects of human land use activities, specifically forestry, agriculture, and urbanization, on water quality and aquatic habitat and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs) in reducing such nonpoint source pollution. A particular current interest of his is the relationship between riparian vegetation and channel structure and stream temperature. His work is trans-disciplinary, and he frequently collaborates with ecologists, animal biologists, and biogeochemists. Most of his applied research is viewed through the lens of hillslope hydrologic processes, his basic research interest.

  • Ph.D., Hydrology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, 1992
  • MSE, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, 1985
  • BSE, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, 1983
Awards & Honors
  • 2020 AGU EOS highlight of Lee et al. (2020)
  • 2019 Water Resources Research Editor’s Choice Award for Klaus and Jackson (2018)
  • 2019 Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Reviewing for Water Resources Research
  • 2011 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
  • 2010-2011 Senior Teaching Fellows Program, University of Georgia
  • 2008, 2002 Honors Day Acknowledgment for Outstanding Teaching
  • 2008 Inducted into University of Georgia Teaching Academy
  • 2003 Richard B. Russell Undergraduate Teaching Award (UGA’s highest award for young faculty)

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