Mark Haidekker, Ph.D.

0155F Riverbend Research Center North
110 Riverbend Road
Athens, Georgia 30602
United States
Advancing next-gen imaging techniques
- Postdoctoral Education, Biomedical Engineering, University of California, 1999-2000
- Ph.D., Computer Science – University of Bremen, Germany, 1998
- M.Sc., Electrical Engineering – University of Hanover, Germany, 1990
Professional Appointments
Associate Professor, University of Georgia College of Engineering, 2007 – present
Areas of Expertise
Biosensing and bioimaging; instrumentation
- Phase synchronizing pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer
U.S. Patent 9,606,059 - Computerized tomography detection of microbial damage of plant tissues
U.S. Patent 9,816,948 - Phase synchronizing pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer
U.S. Patent 9,933,364 - Non-invasive methods and apparatus for detecting insect-induced damage in a plant
U.S. Patent 8,384,046 - Supported molecular biofluid viscosity sensors for in vitro and in vivo use
U.S. Patent 7,943,390 - Local flow and shear stress sensor based on molecular rotors
U.S. Patent 7,517,69
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0155F Riverbend Research Center North
110 Riverbend Road
Athens, Georgia 30602
United States