Emma Brannon
A University of Georgia College of Engineering alumna has received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, a competitive national award that recognizes emerging scientists and engineers.
Emma Brannon graduated from the UGA College of Engineering in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in biochemical engineering. She is now in the first-year of her doctoral studies in chemical engineering at the University of Michigan.
At Michigan, Brannon is working on a project to study neutrophil-particle interactions for the alleviation of sepsis, a serious life threatening medical condition. She is working to design polymeric microparticles that readily interact with immune cells, preventing immune system paralysis.
She plans to pursue a career in teaching and research.
As an undergraduate in the UGA College of Engineering, Brannon conducted research under the guidance of Assistant Professor Hitesh Handa in the Handa Biomaterials Research Lab.
The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship includes three years of financial support that includes an annual stipend of $34,000 plus a $12,000 cost of education allowance and networking and professional development opportunities.