Dean’s Challenge with Women’s Basketball

Stegman Coliseum

Attend UGA’s WBB Game & check-in at the Smith Street entrance to include your attendance for the College of Engineering in the Dean’s Challenge to see which college has the most attendance at the game! Contact: Amber Juncker, [email protected]



Driftmier 1401 597 D.W. Brooks Dr, Athens, GA, United States

Help assemble the LEGO course missions for the FIRST Lego League State Championship. The Championship will be held on 2/15 in MLC (save the date). Pizza provided! RSVP and more information:

Building Community Brown Bag Series

Please join us on Thursday, February 13th, 2024 at 12:30PM as we hear from Dr. Angela Birkes, presenting: Broadening Participation in STEM Time: 12:30PM Driftmier Engineering Center 597 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602 Room:1240 ***Please RSVP by February 10th to be guaranteed lunch

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