Student Ambassadors
Driftmier North Entrance 597 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA, United StatesMerchandise Sale! New merchandise has arrived. See the attached for more details. Sales are cash or check ONLY!
Merchandise Sale! New merchandise has arrived. See the attached for more details. Sales are cash or check ONLY!
NSBE General Body Meeting | Join us for another general body meeting! There will also be lots of information about upcoming opportunities around Driftmier and on campus, events, ways to get involved with NSBE, and, of course, some free food and games! Contact Elisha Joseph, [email protected], for more information
Dr. Song Lab Tour | Looking to get involved or learn more about engineering research? Join us this Tuesday to tour Dr. Song's Advanced Materials Advanced Manufacturing Lab! Sign up using the QR code found on the flyer and meet us in the lobby of the I-Stem 2 building. Contact, Nicolas Lopez, [email protected]
General Body Meeting and Career Fair Prep Join EWB for our second GBM where we will have some useful career fair review in preparation for the upcoming Spring Career Fair! We will have interview pointers and other helpful tips. Also, Feel free to bring your resume for quick review, we hope to see you there! Contact: Angel Pedraza, [email protected]
Kickoff Meeting | Learn about UGA's practical & competitive cybersecurity club & enjoy free pizza! Contact: Divesh Gupta, [email protected]
Help assemble the LEGO course missions for the FIRST Lego League State Championship. The Championship will be held on 2/15 in MLC (save the date). Pizza provided! RSVP and more information:
Stop by to learn more about student clubs and organizations in the College of Engineering! Representatives from our organizations and support resources will be tabling and you can drop-in to learn more!
Merchandise Sale! New merchandise has arrived. See the attached for more details. Sales are cash or check ONLY!
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET