William Kisaalita
William Kisaalita, a professor in the University of Georgia College of Engineering, has been elected to the UGA Research Foundation Board of Directors.
The UGA Research Foundation (UGARF) performs two primary functions in support of the research enterprise at the University of Georgia. UGARF is the named party to sponsored research agreements for projects to be performed at UGA. UGARF also owns the patents and other intellectual property developed at UGA. Through the Technology Commercialization Office, UGARF protects, markets, and licenses its intellectual property portfolio throughout Georgia and the U.S. and across the globe.
A member of the engineering faculty at UGA since 1991, Kisaalita’s research focuses on tissue engineering and renewable energy with an emphasis on biogas-powered cooling. In 2014, Kisaalita secured a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grant of $1 million to fund field implementation of a biogas-powered cooling system he created for milk farmers in Uganda.
Kisaalita’s three-year term on the UGARF Board of Directors begins Oct. 1, 2015.