We are pleased to invite companies to become a visible contributor to the UGA College of Engineering’s commitment to create communities of learning, discovery and innovation through our Corporate Partnership Program.

The College of Engineering at the University of Georgia believes partnerships between industry and universities benefit everyone involved. Through our Corporate Partnership Program, we offer tailored engagement opportunities with our students based on your interests and recruiting needs. Through this program, corporations provide financial support that makes it possible for students to participate in extraordinary experiential learning opportunities.

Annual Sponsorship Levels + Benefits

UGA Engineering Corporate Partners can join at one of four tiers. You can find details of levels and benefits below.

Silver+ | $25,000 PER YEAR 

All Silver, Red, and Black Level benefits plus:

  • Title Sponsor of National Engineers Week Events
Silver | $10,000 PER YEAR 

All Red and Black Level benefits plus:

  • Access to a dedicated representative focused on tailoring your recruitment strategy
  • Preferred guest speaker participation in College of Engineering
  • Engagement Events
  • Presenting Sponsor for National Engineers Week Events
  • 8 Registrants for the National Engineers Week Banquet
Red | $7,500 PER YEAR

All Black Level benefits plus:

  • Exclusive access to Engineering Expeditions
  • Social Media Takeover
  • Title Sponsorship of a student-centered event of your choice
  • 4 Registrants for the National Engineers Week Banquet
Black | $5,000 PER YEAR


  • Prominent display of company logo on the Corporate Partner Wall inside of the Professional Development Center
  • Complimentary registration for UGA Engineering & Computer Science
  • Career & Internship Fair (two events per year, two representatives covered, valued at $1,500)
  • Early access to Employer of the Day registration
  • Recognized sponsorship on College’s website with prominent display of company logo and link to website
  • 2 Registrants for the National Engineers Week Banquet
  • Access to Annual Corporate Partner Report which includes industry trends, college demographics, first destination research, and a summary of recruitment activity

If you are interested in making a lasting impact on the College of Engineering through funding of scholarships, technology, design labs, in-kind donations, or any other high impact contribution, we are happy to discuss this with you further.



Join a cutting-edge engineering program at a time-honored university

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