Accessing the Student Fabrication Lab
All Fabrication Center users must complete the Orientation and Safety Training on eLC prior to gaining access to the facility. Every engineering student has “Engineering Workshop Safety” as a course in their eLC. To complete training, students will complete four modules and take the Orientation and Safety Training Comprehension Quiz.
Once students have completed training, they will be able to schedule trainings and reserve time on equipment through SAGE. Students can go to their “My Success Network” and find Fabrication Lab team members under their “Connections.” General work appointments can be made under “Roger Hilten,” the Lab Director.
Requests for Machine Shop support and access can be made by sending a message to [email protected]. George Haynie, the College’s Machine Shop Manager, will coordinate with students regarding availability of equipment and support.
No access to the Fabrication facilities, including the Fabrication Lab and Machine Shop, is available without an appointment.
In addition to the onsite resources of the Fabrication Center, the College offers many items that are available for checkout on a limited basis (2-week intervals) as part of the College’s Technology Lending Program. Additionally, the College’s Machine Shop offers a wide variety of tools.
The College of Engineering offers the following tools and equipment for student use in rooms 1506 and 1520 Driftmier, the Digital Fabrication Shop and the Design Workspace, respectively.
- Saftey Glasses
- Long Pants
- Close-toed shoes
For items below, please note that items marked with a * require additional training prior to use.
- Workstations, Dell (6ct, 1506; 3ct, 1520)
- Vaccum, Shop-vac (1506 and 1520)
- brooms, dustpans (1506 and 1520)
- Ultrasonic cleaner (large, 1506; small, 1520)*
Electronics / Sensors
(available for checkout from rm. 1520 unless otherwise noted)
- Air velocity, TSI air velocity meter
- Air velocity, TSI anemometer
- Angle, Husky Digital angle finder (4ct)
- Conductivity, YSI conductivity meter
- Data acquisition, Omega DAQ module
- Distance, Digital calipers, Husky (4ct)
- Environmental, Reed environmental meter (2ct)
- Force, Shimpo digital force gauge
- Heater, Omega cartridge heater (4ct)
- Microcontroller, Arduino 101 (5ct)
- Microcontroller, Arduino Uno R3 (12ct)
- Microcontroller, Raspberry Pi B (5ct)
- Multimeter, hand-held, Westward (4ct)
- pH, Extech handheld pH meter
- pH, Extech pH pen
- Pressure, Extech pressure meter
- Programming, Sphero 2.0 Robotic ball
- Programming, Sphero BB8 Robotic ball
- RPM, LW Scientific non-contact tachometer
- Sound (dB), Extech sound level meter
- Temperature control, Omega
- Temperature, Omega IR thermometer (2ct)
- Temperature, Omega RTD probe (2ct)
- Temperature, Omega thermistor (2ct)
- Temperature, Omega thermocouple probe (4ct)
- Thermal (IR), FLIR (2ct) thermal camera (2ct)
- Thermal (IR), Seek Thermal XR imaging (for Apple, 5ct)
- Total dissolved solids, Oakton TDS meter
Equipment (Station, room)
- Additive manufacturing, 3D printer, Lulzbot TAZ6 3D printer (2ct, 1520)*
- CNC cutting, Boss Laser 100W laser cutter (Makerspace, 1506)*
- CNC milling, Cirqoid PCB mill / engraver (Electronics Station, 1520)*
- CNC milling, LPKF Protomat E44 PCB mill (Makerspace, 1506)*
- CNC milling, Othermill Pro PCB mill / engraver (Electronics Station, 1520)*
- CNC routing, Shopbot Desktop Max router (Woodworking, 1506)*
- Compressed air, Husky 30gal air compressor (1506)*
- Cutting, Delta scroll saw (Woodworking, 1506)*
- Cutting, Dewalt chop saw (Metalworking, 1506)*
- Cutting, Dewalt compound miter saw (2ct, Woodworking, 1506)*
- Cutting, Jet horizontal / vertical bandsaw (Metalworking, 1506)*
- Cutting, Lincoln Electric plasma cutter (Metal Joining, 1506)*
- Cutting, Porter Cable stationary bandsaw (Woodworking, 1506)*
- Drilling, Dayton floor standing drill press (Metalworking, 1506)*
- Drilling, Delta floor standing drill press (Woodworking, 1506)*
- Grinding, Belt / bench grinder (Metalworking, 1506)*
- Press, Baileigh floor standing hydraulic press (Metalworking, 1506)*
- Sanding, Dayton disc / belt sander (Woodworking, 1506)*
- Welding, Lincoln Electric MIG welder (2ct, Metal Joining, 1506)*
- Welding, Lincoln Electric oxygen welding, cutting, and brazing kit (Metal Joining, 1506)*
Hand Tools (1506 and 1520)
- Cutting, Hand saws
- Drilling, Drill bits / hole saw
- hammers
- Pressing, benchtop arbor press (Metalworking, 1506)
- Tools, Master tool set (1506 and 1520)
Power Hand Tools
- Cutting / Grinding, Dremel rotary tool (1506 and 1520)
- Cutting, Dewalt portable bandsaw (1506)
- Drilling, Dewalt corded hammer drill (1506)
- Drilling, Dewalt corded side handle drill (1506)
- Drilling, Dewalt Li-ion 5-tool drill / combo kit (2ct, 1506)
- Drilling, Ryobi Li-ion drill / combo kit (2ct, 1520)
- Grinding, Dewalt angle grinder, Dewalt (1506)
- Paint spraying, HVLP and standard gravity feed spray gun (1506)
- Pneumatic tools, Husky 4-tool air tool kit (1506)
Safety (Personal Protective Equipment)
- Earphones (1506)
- Earplugs (1506 and 1520)
- First aid kit (1506 and 1520)
- Fire extinguisher (1506 and 1520)
- Safety eyewear (1506 and 1520)
- Welding gloves, Welding aprons
- Welding helmets
Storage / Transport
- Storage, Milwaukee tool chest (1506 and 1520)
- Storage, Small lockers (1520)
- Storage, Large rolling lockers (1506)
- Transport, Utility cart (2ct, 1506)