Equity Engineers Council
Equity Engineers Council
Need professional attire ahead of the Career & Internship Fair? Stop by the table in Driftmier to learn more about the Professional Clothing Closet.
Need professional attire ahead of the Career & Internship Fair? Stop by the table in Driftmier to learn more about the Professional Clothing Closet.
Our first meeting of the Spring Semester will be this Tuesday! Join us for a brief update on the progress of our chapter's Quarter Scale Tractor. We will be presenting our progress made so far and discussing the next steps. Light refreshments will be provided! Contact: James Shanni, jps20065@uga.edu
Trivia | Join Theta Tau for trivia covering information from modern topics to ancient engineering facts!
Pot Painting | Join the Society of Environmental Engineers on Thursday, January 16th at 6:30pm to grab a plant and customize a pot! All supplies will be provided. Anyone is welcome! Insta: @see.uga Contact: McKenzie Matthews, mbm13747@uga.edu
Interested in experiencing all that engineering at UGA has to offer? Attend one of our Information Sessions. These events involve a formal presentation from staff where prospective undergraduate students and families are able to learn about our curriculum, experiential learning opportunities, student groups and competitions, support for entrepreneurship and innovation, and much more. Registration is required. All Information […]
Karaoke/Bonfire | Join Theta Tau for a bonfire to speak with brothers in a more casual setting!
Egg Drop Competition | Throwback to middle school days with an egg drop competition! From teams with brothers to create a device that protects an egg from breaking.
Stop by to learn more about student clubs and organizations in the College of Engineering! Representatives from our organizations and support resources will be tabling and you can drop-in to learn more!
Come to our early celebration of Pride Month in June at the College of Engineering with Out in STEM (oSTEM) and Inclusive Excellence on January 23rd, at 6PM in Driftmier 1240. Join us for a night of celebration and building connections and community! RSVP Here
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Undergraduate and graduate students
Graduates finding employment within six months of graduating
Faculty members have won National Science Foundation CAREER Awards
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET
Median starting salary of graduates with BS degree
Increase in research funding in past five years
All undergraduate degree programs are accredited by ABET