Research Assistantships

Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) appointments are awarded by individual faculty members. Applicants should research assistantship opportunities with individual faculty members and are strongly encouraged to reach out to those whose research intersects their career objectives. GRA’s work up to 20 hours per week in return for an annual stipend, student health insurance subsidy, and a reduction of tuition to $25 per semester. GRA’s in the College of Engineering must remain in good academic standing and register a minimum of 18 credit hours in Fall / Spring and 12 credit hours in Summer. Explore current GRA openings here.

Teaching Assistantships

Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) appointments are awarded by the schools and require service of up to 20 hours per week. GTA’s receive an annual stipend, health insurance subsidy, and a reduction of tuition to $25 per semester. All accepted applicants may be considered for graduate teaching assistantships. Those interested should review the College’s TA Policy, then submit an application. Apply for CMB positions here, for ECAM here, and for ECE here.

College Fellowships

College of Engineering Doctoral Fellowship Award
The CENGR Doctoral Fellowship Award is presented to an outstanding doctoral candidate in any research area. Fellows receive a $30k/year stipend, tuition waiver, and travel funds.

Dean’s Engineering Education Fellowship
This is an annual award sponsored by the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) that fully funds two College of Engineering Ph.D. students to engage with engineering education research and practice for one year. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide an avenue for engineering graduate students from technical areas who want to cultivate and maintain a focus on education as part of their future careers to develop as teachers and educational scholars. Fellows will have the opportunity to serve one semester as an instructor of record in a technical engineering course, via a unique teaching assistant position. During the other semester, fellows will have the opportunity to serve as a research assistant on an engineering education research project led by one or more engineering faculty members. Fellows will receive mentoring for each role from engineering education faculty members within EETI. Please direct any questions to Dr. John Morelock.

The Natural Infrastructure Graduate Fellowship
Join us as part of a funded Master’s degree program courtesy of a collaboration between Ducks Unlimited and the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems. Graduate students in this program will conduct both practice-oriented and basic research on NI methods and engineering guidance, tool development, cost and economic analysis, monitoring and adaptive management, and social dimensions of climate resilient infrastructure with an emphasis on integration of natural and conventional systems. For details, visit the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems’ website.

Diversity Fellowship

The College of Engineering Diversity Fellowship will be awarded to outstanding candidates from women and underrepresented minority groups with an interest in engineering. Fellows will work closely with engineering faculty who perform research in a variety of areas in one of the three schools in the College of Engineering. Fellows will also serve as graduate student ambassadors for all diversity initiatives in the College of Engineering.  For details, download the Diversity Fellows brochure.

University-level Funding Opportunities

Information on available university-level funding is available through the UGA Graduate School. Additionally UGA offers numerous scholarships and awards for graduate students. A complete list of these awards can be found in this link.

External Resources

Fastweb provides access to a searchable database of more than 180,000 private sector scholarships, fellowships, and grants available to students.

FinAid is a free, comprehensive source of student financial aid information, advice and tools containing information about scholarships as well as warnings about fraudulent scholarship search firms.

Pathways to Science provides fellowship information for MS and Ph.D. students to help increase diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


The Graduate School provides competitive travel funding for students presenting their research at conferences and professional meetings. See the Graduate School website for additional information.

The College of Engineering has small amount of travel funding for graduate students presenting their research at technical conferences. Please read the guidelines for application eligibility and instruction. Application form can be found here. Please contact Assistant Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs, Dr. Mable Fok (, if you have any questions.

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